Cara Cook Consulting has extensive experience in labor management, ER and OR throughput, data management, patient flow, clinical process, volume growth, and financial improvement work at for-profit, not-for-profit, and academic medical centers.

Cara Cook

Cara Cook is a healthcare executive with extensive hospital leadership experience, comprising nearly 20 years of  advisory work with for-profit, not-for-profit, and large academic medical centers, hospitals, clinics, and health systems.

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Natalie Heidel

Natalie has extensive expertise in inpatient flow and bed management operations. Her experience includes working with hospital executives and clinical staff members to improve patient throughput in the hospital setting.

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Susie Law, RN

Susie Law is a former System/Region VP of  Clinical Operations and Chief Clinical Informatics Officer.  Her healthcare experience spans executive leadership roles at the hospital, region and corporate levels. 

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Chad moses

Chad Moses is a former Vice President, division and market CFO focused on financial Performance Improvement and System integration.  His experience includes external and internal advisory work within the Healthcare industry.

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Brandon Elliott

Brandon is a former Duke University Health System Management Engineering Team Lead and Process Engineer/Application Developer at IBM experienced in designing, developing and implementing user friendly and cost-effective IT solutions.

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jonathan solsbery

Jonathan Solsbery is a former Director for KPMG providing financial reporting, audit, and advisory services. His focus is on applying simplistic and reliable solutions to complex business operations and transactions.

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